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Arius3D公司由家族企业Business Arts创建于1998年,它关注着全球技术革新的公司从酝酿、发展到初具规模,并在许多企业取得了成功,包括加拿大的首选医疗公司之一的SCIEX,和致力于大屏幕电影体验的跨国公司IMAX。 
Arius3D creates digital imaging solutions that enable organizations to research, present, and share unique physical objects in digital form.
The Arius3D three-dimensional color scanners and the Pointstream imaging software support wide ranging applications in culture and heritage, research, education, and entertainment.
Arius3D was founded in 1998 by Business Arts, a family owned business focused on the incubation, growth, and delivery of world changing technology companies. They've had proven success with several companies including SCIEX, a company that is an integral part of Canada's leading health care corporations, and IMAX, a worldwide corporation focused on the delivery of giant screen theatre experiences.
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